Scale City is Mirrorstone Studios' entry into the GMTK 2024 Game Jam! The game was made with a three person development team in only 48 hours! 

In Scale City build a tower to help the Climber reach the moon! Avoid obstacles and be mindful of the Climber's stamina as you ascend. 

Scale City is playable in a browser on PC and mobile. 


 - A,D,S (or Arrow Keys) to move the blocks left, right, and down. 

- Spacebar to rotate blocks. 

Climber Priority: 

Climberina is very specific about the path she tries to take! There might be times where it seems like she took an unexpected turn, so keep the following in mind:

 - Climberina will always try to go up to a block above her no matter what!

- If she can't go up, and can go left but not right, she goes left.

- If she can't go up, and can go right but not left, she goes right.

 - If she can't go up, and can left or right, she will pick the side with the tallest block (even if it's not connected). 

- If all else fails, she'll try to jump. If Climberina starts her jump, you better make sure there is a block 2 squares above her or she'll fall!

- Climberina will never go to the last space she's been to. 

Known Game Jam Bugs We Didn't Get To: 

- If you fail to put a block down on the ground that the climber can get to and get stuck on obstacles, the game will softlock. 

- The stamina mechanic needed to be tweaked a little more. In this version, the stamina doesn't drain fast enough to make getting stamina orbs a concern. 

- Occasionally, an obstacle might spawn on top of a falling block.

Updated 29 days ago
AuthorMirrorstone Studios
Tags2D, Fast-Paced, Tetris


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The soundtrack is top tier!